The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to individuals over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.
Reactive is fully GDPR compliant, however, you need to perform some actions in order to make your business GDPR compliant.
Navigate to the "Applications" section in the left menu of your admin panel.
Under the "Applications" section, you'll see a list of available apps compatible with your website. These applications are designed to help improve your website’s compliance with various regulations, including GDPR.
Find the GDPR Cookie Banner app, click on it to open the app settings page.
Click on "Install" located at the top right corner of your screen.
A pop-up window will appear. Confirm the installation by clicking "Install" again.
Once installed, go to the App Settings tab to configure the cookie banner according to your website’s needs.
App Settings Section
Optional: This option will show the cookie consent box at the bottom of your website's screen. However, customers will be able to browse your website with no interruption and without ever accepting your cookie policy.
Having this mode enabled, the tracking scripts for Meta Pixel are disabled and your Google Analytics is set to anonymous tracking. Once the user accepts your cookies everything is enabled.
Mandatory: This option will show the cookie consent box at the top of your website's screen. Your customers will not able to perform any action on your website unless they choose how they would like their cookies to be treated by your website.
Having this mode enabled, the tracking scripts for Meta Pixel are disabled and your Google Analytics is set to anonymous tracking. Once the user accepts your cookies everything is enabled.
Consent Text: Customize the text that explains why cookies are being collected.Set up your Legal Documents
Visit your website's settings from the left sidebar of your Reactive Admin Panel and click on Legal settings.
On this page, you can define the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Please refer to the legal documentation for more information on how to do that.
The final step is to visit the pages section of your Reactive website and create the following pages.
Terms of Service. The text must be identical to the one you have added under your legal settings.
Privacy Policy. The text must be identical to the one you have added under your legal settings.
Cookie Policy. Provide detailed information about your website’s cookie policy.
You can refer to our documentation about the pages and content creation for detailed information about the tools that Reactive gives you.
Add the pages to your website's footer.
Once you are done creating the legal pages you need to visit Navigation from the sidebar menu of your admin panel under Website. Create a footer navigation, if you haven't done that already, and add the newly created pages to your footer.
You can refer to our documentation about How to Create a Navigation and How to Assign Navigation Items for more information.