Reactive comes with built-in functionality to create your own blog.
Here are the steps you need to follow in order to set up your blog for the first time.
1. Start by creating a new page from the pages section (Website > Pages). Give your page a title. This title will be used as your blog list title. Once you create the page click on the checkbox "Blog archive page" that appears on the right of the page.
The page you define as Blog archive page will only show the list of blog posts. Everything you add as content to this page will not be shown.
2. Navigate to the Blog posts section from the sidebar menu of your admin panel under Website and click on the "Create" button that appears on the top of your screen in order to create your first blog post.
3. Navigate to the Blog categories section from the sidebar menu of your admin panel under Website and click on the "Create" button that appears on the top of your screen to create a Blog post category. You can create as many as you like.
4. Visit your Theme section from the sidebar menu of your admin panel (Settings > Theming) to personalize the layout of your blog list page. From your Theming click the General tab. From there you can define the look and feel of your blog list page. For example, if you would like to have a sidebar with categories displayed (left, right or no sidebar). Also, choose the look and feel of your posts on the blog list. You can from a list of layouts such as large images, small images, grid or even masonry. The default layout is grid.
That's it! Happy blogging!