What are shipment statuses and how do they work on Reactive Retail?

What are shipment statuses and how do they work on Reactive Retail?

Every order has multiple statuses to help you manage your orders and have better statistics.

Pending Status

Orders that have a Pending status have not yet been delivered. 

Processing status

This status indicates that an order is being processed and has not yet been shipped.

Ready status

This status indicates that an order is ready for shipment 

Ready for pickup status

This status indicates that an order is ready for collection at your chosen pickup location.

Shipped status

This status indicates that an order has been shipped. 

Delivered status

Once an order has been delivered to your customers you can mark it as delivered from the admin panel. 
Your sales and orders performance on your Dashboard are calculated based on your delivered orders. 

Not shipped status

This status indicated that an order hasn't shipped. 

Returned status

This status indicates that an order has been returned. 

Send status update to your customer. You can send status update to your customers. This way, your customers will receive order details after they've made a purchase and know exactly when they can expect their package to arrive. 

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