Reactive allows you to set up multiple shipping rates for your store based on the weight or cost of the final order of your customers.
Select the criteria for the additional charge of the order. Define the type of tiers you want to map your shipping rate to. Shipping rates are calculated based on the cart cost or weight of your customers' order.
Tiers. You can set variable charges depending on the weight or cost of your customers' final order. You are able to let the shipping rate decrease or increase based on tiers you defined.
For example, you can add different tiers depending on the weight of the final order of your customers. Shipping rate should increase based on the cart weight.
0.5 - 2 kg: 5,00 €
2.01 - 5 kg: 7,00 €
5.01 - ∞ kg: 10,00 €
Description. Add a short description for your shipping method. This will be shown to your customers at the checkout as the description of the shipping method.
Delivery Zones. Select the countries and regions you wish your products to be delivered. If you don' t want to define shipping zones, customers from all over the world can choose this shipping option. Find out more about delivery zones and how do they work here.
Click the save button at the top of your screen to create or update the shipping method.